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Week 05   (7 Dec)


On this final week, I did a coloured character sheet of Leona.  Her brazen reddish brown skin potrays her wild animal like strength( It is through harsh training that she is able to control her strenght). Also, being a warrior, she's mostly out under the sun for long hours a day, which makes her look sunburnt. However, this is her actual skin colour. I actually had plans to do a sword as well, but unfortunately, it looks like I do not have the time to do that. Nonetheless, I am glad to have completed this character sheet.



Concept design of an armor

Week 04   (30 Nov)


This week, I did a final sketch on my characters armor design. The medivel armor has a saber tooth tiger theme to it, because her gallant personality and intrests are considered outdated and extint in this day and age. 


I made sure her armour would not hinder her movement in anyway, (except for bending her torso), by drawing her armor on a action pose.Her armor is reletively light, apart from her chainmail-like inner suit. Claws and faces are drawn all around her armor, with two metal protrusions below her chest piece, seemly looking like a jaw of a tiger.


I am quite behind time with this post, and thus, my final post will be a HUGE update of my final character sheet with expressions. I also plan to cel shade the sheet.  


Week 03   (16 Nov)


This week, I finally decided on a hairstyle, and started drawing a front view of her. Being 1.8 m tall, I had to draw her eight heads tall. It was challenging, since I had not drawn a female this tall before.


i gave her a bit of a frowning lips for her neutral expression. Her upper eyelids were curved downwards to make her look serious all the time , as well as to potray a more stronger expression of anger. I chose anger to be a expression to be focused on because she has a very displined personality, which may sometime shift to being uptight and unforgiving towards failure in oneself and to others. Thus, her  anger expression is suppose to be a powerful and impactful expression. However, there is still a range of emotions she could show with those eyelids, as seen by my expression exploration.


Further expressions are still underway.


I plan on giving her a tiger themed armor, thus I started sketching various armor plate designs. I plan to research more on medival armor designs, and expand my sketches abit more before I decide on the design.


Next week, I shall finish up the expressions and  start doing Leona's character sheet with and without armor!

Week 02   (9 Nov)


I made some changes to the character bio, as i felt that the character wasnt what i wanted to draw. I also changed her name. 


Updated character bio:

Leona is strong-willed, chivalrous and self-disciplined, always seeking to improve and learn. She also possess a kind heart, always putting others before herself. Adept at swordplay, and is capable of casting magic with her sword, her abilities rival that of Valkyries. Being uptight, she doesn’t expose much of her expressions, thus she might seem as cold hearted at times. She stands tall, of 1.8m, sprouting gold, straight hair. She dons a golden armour.


This time, I researched on art styles, mainly the face and hair styles.









Her drawn hair here is just a tentative one to show

the style.


In the end, i decided to go for a style in between no.2, 4 and 5. Thus, i started working on hair explorations.













I decided to go for something like hairstyle no4.



In the next post, i will hopefully be able to settle on my character's appearance, and will begin on clothing design!

















Week 01   (2 Nov)


This is the start for my first portfolio assignment, whereby I would be doing a concept art of an original character. This character is going to be my mascot for my artist page. 


I started doing a draft of her characters bio:

Moriah is generally, carefree, untidy, rude and bashful girl. She likes to exercise and hunt for wild prey, seeking the rush of action. With her keen sense of sight and hearing, she is a master of the bow and arrow. She has a strong interest in keeping fit and hunting, but anything else other than that bores her. She doesn’t do anything else at home, other than lazing around and eating, leaving all the housework to her sister. 


I began compiling some references for inspiration. 



I started from shapes exploration, and decided to go for a more human look. 


I have a strong image of her being short haired, and abit muscular, thus I began sketching her out. I also tried exploring her hunting uniform as well. 


In the next post I will be exploring more on her costume and hairstyle, so please look forward to it!


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